Albania | আলবেনিয়া

Albania information.

Albania | আলবেনিয়া 

Albania is a country in Southeastern Europe, located on the Balkan Peninsula. Here's some basic information about Albania.

Capital: Tirana
Area: 28,748 sq.
Population: Approximately 2.8 million (as of my last update in September 2021)
Official Language: Albanian, Greek.
Literacy: 86.5%.
Life Expectancy: 77.43.
Currency: Albanian Lek (ALL)
Government: Parliamentary Republic
Date of independence: 28th November, 1912.

Albania information

★ Geography
Albania has a diverse landscape with mountains, including the Albanian Alps in the north, and a beautiful coastline along the Adriatic and Ionian Seas.
★ History
Albania has a rich historical heritage with influences from ancient Illyrians, Romans, Byzantines, and the Ottoman Empire. It declared independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1912.
★ Culture
Albanian culture is a blend of Mediterranean, Balkan, and Ottoman influences. It has a unique linguistic and cultural heritage.


★ Religion
The majority of Albanians are Muslim, followed by Albanian Orthodox Christianity and Roman Catholicism. Albania is known for its religious tolerance.
★ Economy
Agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing are important sectors in the Albanian economy.
★ Landmarks
Notable places to visit include the historic city of Berat, the ancient city of Butrint (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), and the scenic Valbona Valley.

Albania information

Please note that this information is based on my knowledge as of September 2021, and there may have been developments or changes since then. If you have specific questions or need more detailed information about Albania, feel free to ask.

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