Algeria | আলজেরিয়া


Algeria | আলজেরিয়া

Algeria is a country located in North Africa. Here's some basic information about Algeria. Algeria is a biggest Islamic republic in Africa. The history and culture of Algeria very interesting. So if you want to know about this amazing country? Let's read this article in five minutes.

People's Democratic Republic Of Algeria ( Al-3. Jumhuriya Al-jaazairiya ad-Dimuqratiya ash-shabiya) 
Capital: Algiers
Other large cities: Oran, Constantine, Annaba.
Official Language: Arabic, Berber and French.


Religions: Islam- 99%, Christians and Jewish - 1% 
Date of independence: 5th July, 1962.
Government Type: Republic.
Population: Approximately 43 million (as of my last knowledge update in September 2021)
Government: Algeria is a republic with a presidential system.
Currency: Algerian Dinar (DZD)

Algeria is the largest country in Africa and the 10th largest in the world in terms of land area. Total area 2, 381, 741 sq. km


The country has a diverse landscape that includes the Sahara Desert in the south, the Atlas Mountains in the north, and a Mediterranean coastline.

Algeria's economy is largely dependent on hydrocarbon resources, primarily natural gas and oil. It's one of the leading gas exporters globally.


Algeria was a French colony until it gained independence in 1962 after a war of independence. The struggle for independence was led by the National Liberation Front (FLN).

Algeria has a rich cultural heritage influenced by Arab, Berber, and French cultures. Traditional music, such as Rai and Chaabi, is popular, and the country has a diverse cuisine.

Please note that this information might have changed since my last update in September 2021, so I recommend checking more recent sources for the most up-to-date information on Algeria. If you have more specific questions or need detailed information about a particular aspect of Algeria, you can search in net.

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